Wednesday, September 5, 2012


At last. At last.

Today, I heard several people talking about the blog, talking about her. Rumors abound, rumors about her and not me... I mean, there's always been rumors about her, but nothing concrete. No facts, no evidence, nothing. All we had was her mom taking her out of school because "she was sick", and that sounded plausible, didn't it? I mean, that's why I started talking to Lois, to see how she felt...

But it felt so good to not be the victim for once. I actually had someone come up to me and say I had done a good job. Even invited me over to their lunch table today, which… well, that hasn’t happened to me before...

But not everyone likes this blog. Sarah almost chewed me out in front of everyone in English class, and a few of Lois’ friends were giving me dirty looks. Oh, and apparently if I don’t take this blog down, it’ll be seen as cyber-bullying and I’ll get in major trouble at school, so there’s that. But really, anything can be seen as cyber-bullying these days, and if revealing to the world that Lois is pregnant is considered bullying, well… That’s ridiculous. That’s like me criticizing the president for golfing, or telling the police department they suck because a serial killer is still at large in our area.

The damage is already done, though. Not sure how suspending me from school will make Lois feel any better.

Going to go ahead and get ready for some sort of Halloween party that Daniel invited me to. Oh, right, Daniel’s the guy who also said that I could sit with his group at lunch. Might post on that later, since one paragraph doesn’t really do them justice (that’s a good thing, guys).

Looking forward to what tomorrow brings.


  1. Anonymous5:54 PM

    "The damage is already done, though."

    Yes, yes it is. Not in the way you thought, though.

    1. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm getting into.


      Of course you do.

